How to stay motivated?

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You have been planning all this long, but were you really able to do it?

You start with all the confidence and energy but suddenly drain amidst achieving your goals.

Have you ever thought about why this happens?

You are capable of doing that and also have the required skill-set but still, it feels demotivated to complete a task or keep up the energy levels.

This happens when you might have everything but lack motivation. A motivation to not just start the journey but to keep walking until you reach your destination. 

You can stay motivated by following these simple steps-:

Eliminate procrastination-

Do it now! Sometimes later becomes never.

You might be thinking that you have a lot of time to do a certain thing and you tend to avoid finishing it up. This might delay the task much more than expected or maybe never. Once you lose motivation, it is difficult to resume. So the best idea is to stay motivated by not delaying and doing it now. Apart from work backlogs, procrastinate can also bring you stress and anxiety and excessive work pressure.

Define your goals/tasks

You should know what you are doing and why you are doing. Defining your goals and tasks will help you realize the need for doing it now so that you don’t shift it for tomorrow and your motivation is never less. You would know the results that your hard work is going to bring and you’ll keep going to achieve it. The best is that satisfaction you get once a long holding task is finally shut and completed.

Make a failure plan

You get demotivated because you don’t realize what worse can happen if you don’t do a task. If your success plan is not enough to energize you, try making it a failure plan. 

Yes, you read that right! 

Identify and analyze what is the worst that can happen if you don’t work or don’t do a particular task. What will be the ramifications and consequences and what effect will it have on you, your career or your future life.

Take timely breaks 

Working for long hours really gets on the nerves and exhausts your mind. So it’s okay if you take mini breaks in between or maybe go on small getaways before you start a new or big project/ task. This will freshen up your mind and avoid frustration yourself to get demotivated. Even if you can’t go out, you can take mini breaks to do the cooking, listen to music, take a walk or maybe anything that helps you revive yourself than sitting back and giving up.

Manage your time

You start on a slow pace and then suddenly realize that you have less time and relatively much more work to complete. To avoid such last moment pressures, you need to manage your time. Does that mean you can adjust the clock? Not really! You need to adjust yourself according to the time. Once you understand the hours you need to invest in multiple tasks, you know when you are lacking with time and when you need to speed up. And hence you can’t afford to be demotivated.

Eat well and balanced

Eating junk has a major drowsy effect on your mental and physical health. So it’s really important that you eat well especially when you are working and struggling for diligence so that you can work efficiently. Eating well helps a great deal to maintain your energy levels and boost your motivation.

Eye to motivational books/videos

There are many books on motivation that give a clear outlook and boost your cells to work on you and for you. One such book is “You can win by Shiv Khera”. You will love this book and definitely help yourself to make a comeback and not to have a setback.

You can also watch videos by motivational speakers who give you a raw mirroring of life so that you could adjust your reality.

Watch this video on motivation.

Do meditation/mindfulness exercises 

Meditation and mindfulness exercises have innumerable benefits on the mind and body. One such benefit is to keep distractions away and keep up your peak performance levels. You won’t be demotivated because your mind is grooming a strength to carry itself till you reach a destination i.e. your goals.

Staying motivated is absolutely within your ability. It’s often just about keeping your end goal in mind and breaking down the larger end result into manageable smaller steps. 

Remember,  you can always do it!

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